Tag: Lynn Bootes


  Oral Roberts, the Pentecostal Evangelist preacher who is said to have laid healing hands on two million…...

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Malala: Teenaged Advocate For Education

Astrobiography by Lynn Bootes   BIRTH DATA: July 12, 1997 Just before sunrise, local time (rectified to 4:55…...

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Mao the Psychopath

Birth Data: December 26, 1893, 07:00 am, Shaoshan village, Hunan, China. Source: Astrodatabank astro.com quotes Ruth Dewey:  “Shaoshan,…...

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Grandma Moses: A Study In Longevity

Birth Data: Anna Mary Robertson Moses September 7, 1860 Greenwich, New York 3:58 pm local time Source: Astrodatabank…...

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AstroBiography: Tolkien’s English Epic

By: Lynn Bootes J. R. R. Tolkien January 3, 1892 10:15 pm rectified Bloemfontain, Free State, South Africa…...

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Bob Marley Catching Fire

By: Lynn Bootes Birth Data: Feb 6, 1945, 2:30 am, Saint Anne’s Bay, Jamaica. “B” data, from biography…...

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Alan Turing: More Than Mathematics

ASTROBIOGRAPHY by Lynn Bootes Birth data: June 23, 1929, 2:15 am, London, England. “A” data based on mother’s report…....

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AstroBiography of Benjamin Franklin

By: Lynn Bootes   Benjamin Franklin! A short essay cannot hope to cover all the details of this…...

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