Tag: Joni Patry

Alibaba (BABA)

Alibaba shares started trading at $92.70 Do I think this stock is worth the price? How will it fare?…...

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Drishtis (Aspects)

Ways the Planets are Associated or Connected Drishti means “to glance at”. The Greek word aspektos means “to…...

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Affirmation for the month October

From my book “Answers”. By Joni Patry   Happiness from the Past Someone from the past will appear…...

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Predictions for September 2014

The planet that is most affected this month is Mercury due to it transiting its sign of exaltation…...

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Spiritual Insights September 2014

The world has become out of control and this means nature will take charge and bring balance back…...

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Time Changes? What to Watch out for!

As an astrologer for over 30 years I remember calculating charts in the 70s. This is something most…...

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Tribute to the life of Robin Williams

As astrologers we are fascinated with understanding life and what makes people tick. In this respect we can…...

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Gratitude puts your mind in a place of appreciation, which attracts more prosperity in your life. It is time to…...

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