Tag: Alan Annand

Muhammad Ali: noble warrior

“I’d like to be remembered as a man who won the heavyweight title three times, who was humorous,…...

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Mathematics of Yogas, part 1

by Alan Annand As astrologers, we routinely scan astrological charts looking for yogas. If we’re observant, we’ll notice…...

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Bernie Sanders: Not-For-Sale Maverick

Billionaires and astrologers dislike Bernie Sanders for very different reasons. The very rich consider him a threat to…...

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Justin Trudeau: Canada’s knockout PM

In October 2015, Justin Trudeau scored a knockout punch in the Canadian political arena, leading his Liberal party…...

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David Bowie: the starman who fell to earth

“There’s a starman waiting in the sky, he’d like to come and meet us, but he thinks he’d…...

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Nikola Tesla: child of the storm

Once, when asked by someone what it felt like to be the smartest man in the world, Albert…...

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Viparita Raja Yoga: going under to cross over

At some point in our mathematical education, we learned that two negatives can make a positive. For example,…...

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Indira Gandhi: Parivartana power

Indira Gandhi was a remarkable woman on two scores. On a mundane level, she is India’s only female…...

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