Category: Well Being

Well Being

Soul Awakening

Past Life Regression: Why Rehash the Past?

What’s the point of past life regression? The past is finished. Why cling to old ideas and stagnant energy? Out with the old, in with…...

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Soul Awakening

Past Life Regression: Why Rehash the Past?

What’s the point of past life regression? The past is finished. Why cling to old ideas andstagnant energy? Out with the old, in with the…...

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Energy Healing

Heal Your Energy Body. Transform Your Life.

Each of us has our own personal energy field – or aura – that extends all theway around us. Although it’s different for everyone, it…...

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Sound Healing

Sound As Meditation and Spirituality

When I was asked to contribute to AstroLogic, I was honored to offer some insight I havegained from working with sound. Astrology and sound are…...

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Food for Thought

Einkorn Wheat: The ancient grain that’s easy to enjoy.

Today’s wheat is not the same wheat our grandparents ate. Due to widespread hybridization that hasoccurred, we no longer see “amber waves of grain” when…...

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Living Yoga

The Body Locks

The flow of energy within the body is a key focus of yoga since the aim is to move energy from the lower chakras into…...

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Living Yoga

Yogic Living – The Meditative Mind

Meditation is one of the pillars used in Kundalini Yoga.  A thought creates an emotion, an emotion creates a desire and the desire can lead…...

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Living Yoga

The Ten Bodies

In Kundalini Yoga, the human being is seen as made up of ten bodies whereby there is the  physical body, 3 mental bodies, and 6…...

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Living Yoga

Mantras and Miracles 

Yogic Living Whether you want to experience a meditation, manifestation, support your transformational journey or help harmonise the plantary impacts, mantras can help to amplify…...

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Living Yoga

Yogic Living – Aligning with the Lunar Days

Energetically, certain days are more powerful than others as the sun and moon energies are such that portals open to allow us to tap into…...

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