Category: Well Being

Well Being

Metaphysics Matters

Tuning into Abundance

Money tends to be a loaded subject. Almost everyone has an opinion, feelings about worthiness, and deep emotional connections about their earning potential. In fact,…...

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Food for Thought

A Helpful Guide to Food Labels

Why is eating so complicated these days? If only we could waltz into the grocery store and see nothing but wholesome food choices. Instead, we…...

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Living Yoga

The Mind Serves the Soul

The mind is constantly projecting thoughts which in turn trigger an emotion and desire that then leads to an action or inaction in which case…...

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Sound Healing

In Search of Silence

Part 1: Noise For many people, myself included, sound is much more than a modality of healing. Personally, I abstain from referring to it that…...

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Energy Healing

Why Am I So Exhausted All the Time?

We are often tired because we are not operating with all of our energy inside of our physical body. In other words, we are not…...

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Soul Awakening

How Reiki Powerfully Yet Effortlessly Transforms You

No pain, no gain. It’s obvious there’s a major opportunity to grow every time you work through a difficult challenge. You can probably think back…...

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Energy Healing

What If We Were Taught To Solve Things Backward?

The world is made of energy and so are you.  What is in your energy field may be unknowingly blocking you from living a fulfilling…...

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Living Yoga

The Art of Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra, also known as yogic sleep is a form of deep relaxation that is a state of consciousness that lies between wake and sleep…...

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Sound Healing

Sound and the Subconscious

            I have found through my years of practice in sound something quite interesting in regards to growth and healing with…...

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Food for Thought

Ice Cream: The Summertime Classic with a Quirky History

Ice Cream, the summertime classic with a quirky history. Once July rolls around in Texas, it’s too hot to do just about anything other than…...

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