Category: Well Being

Well Being

Energy Healing

Why Have an Energy Clearing Session

As an energy healer, one question I am often asked is what exactly do I clear and why do people reach out to me for…...

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Sound Healing

Holding Space Part 2 – Harnessing the “Feeling”

            Whenever I begin thinking of the topic for these writings, I am always simply living my life, and at some point, even the most…...

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Energy Healing

The Connection Between Energy Healing & Inner Guidance

Hello everyone!! I hope 2023 is off to a magical, transformative start for you. In my last post, I mentioned that I would begin to…...

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Soul Awakening

What is Your Soul’s Purpose

By Tianna Roser (channeling Archangel Raphael) This is Archangel Raphael. You came here to learn how to be your soul expressed through a physical body…....

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Energy Healing

Welcome 2023 with Energetic Intention

I bet some readers are enjoying a cup of tea or cocoa amidst a snowglobe scene of trees and roofs covered in fresh white fluff…....

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Soul Awakening

Free Yourself By Becoming Your Higher Self

We all want to feel special. Society teaches us to measure our value externally in comparison to others. If you look better, if you have…...

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Sound Healing

Holding Space: Part 1

As a practitioner, teacher, and author on the topic of a holistic sound practices, I have come to terms with many awakening aspects of the…...

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Energy Healing

Cheers to You and Energy Clearing

Greetings and salutations AstroLogic Readers! My name is Elesia Chéree and I am an energy healer. I use clairsentience to feel, shift, and release energy…....

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Sound Healing

Time as Ambiguity

In Search Of Silence Part 4: Conclusion Time as Ambiguity As we approach the conclusion to this four-part series, the final and most important aspect…...

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