Category: Tarot Spreads

Tarot Spreads


The New Year Tarot Spread

I love the idea of a really comprehensive New Year tarot layout, one that would act almost as a template for the next yearly cycle…....

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The ‘Breaking Your Sound Barrier’ Spread

On the morning of October 14, 1947, pilot Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier. According to PBS’s Nova program it marks a major milestone in…...

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Position 9 in the Celtic Cross Spread

While everyone who regularly uses the Celtic Cross Spread adapts it to their own understanding, I am going to reveal the underlying richness of the…...

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A “Method to the Madness” Multiple-Midpoint Spread

AUTHOR’S NOTE: As a natal astrologer I’ve always been fascinated by the mathematical midpoints between factors (typically the planets and angles of the horoscope) that…...

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Rethinking the Three-Card “Timeline” Spread

AUTHOR’S NOTE: In a recent post I gave a brief nod to the idea of scrapping the venerable “Past/Present/Future” three-card, left-to-right, timeline spread and replacing…...

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Active and Passive Dynamics

AUTHOR’S NOTE: The next major milestone on the road to mastery for the neophyte tarot reader after internalizing the card meanings (as opposed to merely…...

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Tarot Spreads

Position 9 in the Celtic Cross Spread

While everyone who regularly uses the Celtic Cross Spread adapts it to their own understanding, I am going to reveal the underlying richness of the…...

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What’s Up Doc? A Whole-Health Profile Spread

I knew I’d get around to using Bugs Bunny’s signature greeting sooner or later! The accepted wisdom among diviners is that, unless one is properly…...

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