Category: Tarot Predictions

Tarot Predictions


A Recipe for Timing (or “Why Did My Cake Fall?”)

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This essay is not about a Betty Crocker bake-off; it discusses certain event-timing techniques used in divination. But I couldn’t resist the analogy!…...

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Question Quibbles

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I’ve just begun reading Vincent Pitisci’s first book, Genius of the Tarot: A Guide to Divination with the Tarot, and I’m pleasantly surprised…...

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Stephen Hawking on Prediction and Astrology

“Watch out for wormholes: you never know what may come out of them.”  — Stephen Hawking  One of the first things people want to know…...

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Prediction, Projection and Confirmation Bias

What is divination anyway? The popular scientific view is that it is pure conjecture with no quantifiable basis; the religious opinion is that it is…...

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Lunar Month Look-Ahead for World Events (November 2022)

Not long ago I was asked whether my New-Moon-based “Lunar Month Look-Ahead” spread (link below) can be used to predict world events in addition to…...

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