Category: Tarot Predictions

Tarot Predictions

Tarot Predictions

A Tarot Compass and Range-Finder: Locating the Lost

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Although horary astrology is much better for it, I sometimes work with tarot as a means of finding lost items or people. I…...

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Tarot Predictions

Tarot Keywords: Cataloguing the Commonplace

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I’ve been learning that many Medieval writers padded their work in a variety of ways to increase its length. One of their favorite…...

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Tarot Predictions

A Horary and Tarot Case Closure: What Happened to Devon

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Roughly a year ago I was approached by a person with an interest in the case of Devon Marsman, who at that time…...

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Tarot Predictions

Convergence Between Tarot, Lenormand and Horary Astrology

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Whenever I’m confronting a major decision or a significant occurrence in my life or the lives of my clients, I find it useful…...

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Tarot Reading for Businesses: A Conceptual Overview

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Not long ago a new acquaintance, upon hearing that I read tarot cards, asked whether I do readings for business-related questions. I responded…...

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Schrodinger and the “Fabric of Reality”

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I once described divination in fanciful terms as “running my mental fingers through the warp-and-woof of the fabric of reality, trying to tease out…...

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Detachment, the Master Key to Objectivity

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I’ve yet to meet a tarot beginner who hasn’t agonized over whether an emotionally unsteady state of mind will improperly bias the outcome…...

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By Any Other Name

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Current divination culture shuns as unethical any attempt to forecast the death of an individual, even when it is clearly imminent due to…...

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The Nature of Truth (As We Know It)

AUTHOR’S NOTE: “What is the truth?” (at least in the matter at hand) is one of the “big questions” along with “What is the meaning…...

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