Category: Tarot History

Tarot History


The Thoth Universe Tarot Card Creation Story

The Crowley-Harris Thoth card was renamed The Universe giving us both an ancient and very modern scientific perspective on the card formerly called The World…...

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The Numbering of Strength and Justice in Tarot

The original 15th and 16th century Italian Tarocchi decks featured a variety of numberings. In most cases the 3 virtues (Strength, Justice and Temperance) were…...

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Tarot History: Petrarch and I Trionfi

Francesco Petrarca, (1304-1374, Arezzo, Italy), commonly anglicized as Petrarch, was a scholar and poet of early Renaissance Italy, and one of the earliest humanists. Petrarch’s…...

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Tarot History

History of Tarot

The tarot history I’ll be referencing is prior to the Waite Colman Smith tarot collaboration, though visualevidence of the historic decks is visible and obvious…...

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