Category: Tarot


Card Meanings

Carl Jung and Tarot

Although many tarot practitioners apply a Jungian psychological approach to their tarot work, there’s been a question as to whether Jung himself knew anything about…...

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Musings on Oracles: Moonology Oracle cards

Recently I was invited to speak at an all-day women’s conference in Johnson City called ‘Soul Reset’. My subject was not ‘The Tarot’ as one might expect,…...

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The Nature of Truth (As We Know It)

AUTHOR’S NOTE: “What is the truth?” (at least in the matter at hand) is one of the “big questions” along with “What is the meaning…...

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A Recipe for Timing (or “Why Did My Cake Fall?”)

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This essay is not about a Betty Crocker bake-off; it discusses certain event-timing techniques used in divination. But I couldn’t resist the analogy!…...

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Position 9 in the Celtic Cross Spread

While everyone who regularly uses the Celtic Cross Spread adapts it to their own understanding, I am going to reveal the underlying richness of the…...

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Egypt, Tarot and Mystery School Initiations

Tarot did not originate in ancient Egypt, despite claims to the contrary. Nevertheless, an occult tradition underlies modern Tarot decks that arises from 18th century…...

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The “Twitch Factor”

AUTHOR’S NOTE: During a recent online conversation I mentioned the fact that, when provoked, the element of Earth in the sign of Virgo can be…...

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Card Meanings

Knights and Streetcars: “Coming and Going”

AUTHOR’S NOTE: My wife dismisses blues music as “whining man” music (as in “My baby done left me and I’m feelin’ lowdown and mean.” But…...

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Musings on Tarot: The Forest of Enchantment Tarot

I recently came across an interesting artist from Suffolk, UK, Meraylah Allwood. Allwood is an illustrator and miniaturist, an active member of the Royal Miniature…...

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The RWS Deck: Where Was It Between 1939-1971?

First, I need to be forthcoming and let you know that despite my 1,000+ collection of tarot decks, the Rider-Waite-Smith (RWS) Tarot is my all-time…...

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