I hope the beginning of your new year was peaceful and exciting—a difficult feat to accomplish simultaneously but a rewarding goal for 2024. At the…...
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AUTHOR’S NOTE: I once described divination in fanciful terms as “running my mental fingers through the warp-and-woof of the fabric of reality, trying to tease out…...
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AUTHOR’S NOTE: I’ve known for some time that those who prefer classical decks like the Tarot de Marseille to the esoteric reveries of the post-Occult…...
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AUTHOR’S NOTE: Here I’m using the analogy of a telescope to examine the transition between the three consecutive “lights” of the Major Arcana. As the…...
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AUTHOR’S NOTE: The High Priestess is above all a paragon of fidelity. Sallie Nichols describes her archetypal mission, in part, as “obedience to true spirit,”…...
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AUTHOR’S NOTE: I’ve yet to meet a tarot beginner who hasn’t agonized over whether an emotionally unsteady state of mind will improperly bias the outcome…...
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