Category: Card Meanings

Card Meanings

Card Meanings

The Deviant Moon Tarot

I’ve had the Deviant Moon Tarot Card deck, illustrated by artist and teacher Patrick Valenza, since it was first published by U.S. Games systems in 2015…....

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Card Meanings

The Victorian Romantic Tarot

Most regular Tarot readers stick with one deck. It’s just easier to become familiar with each card and it’s meanings, and recall them automatically through…...

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Card Meanings

The Dali Tarot

Salvator Dali was one of the most important surrealist painters of our time. He was also very interested in the tarot. In 1972 Albert R…...

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Card Meanings

The Crow Deck

I recently read an interesting posts about crows, of all things. It intrigued me: “Two resident crows have learned that when the cat meows at…...

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Card Meanings

The Fairy Tarot

I don’t know about you, but I am setting my intention to gently enter 2021, with hope for the future and love in my heart…....

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