Category: Card Meanings

Card Meanings


Tarot and Astrology: Convergence or Collision?

AUTHOR’S NOTE: In the interest of full disclosure, I should mention that I was already a natal astrologer of the “psychological” school and had been…...

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Card Meanings

Tarot Flow

One of the geniuses of the Rider-Waite-Smith deck is the story-telling qualities of the Minor Arcana. Each card can tell a story, but a sometimes…...

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Card Meanings

Court Cards and Reversals in Tarot

 To understand the energy of the Courts cards in tarot decks, it’s important to remember what psychologist Carl Jung had to say about them –…...

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Card Meanings

Knight of Cups

To understand the energy of the Knight of Cups card in tarot decks, it’s important to remember what psychologist Carl Jung had to say about…...

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Card Meanings

Women of the Major Arcana: Who Is Your Match?

In tarot, the major arcana cards resonate with archetypal energy; personality types which cover the spectrum. Let’s take a look at the fabulous and formidable…...

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Card Meanings

The Page and Princess of Wands

The Page of Wands appears in the popular Rider Waite Smith tarot deck as well as in other decks. Unlike his other family members –…...

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Card Meanings

Prince of Wands (Thoth) and King of Wands (Rider/Waite/Smith)

Imbued with the Earth energy of fire, the King indisputably rules his kingdom. Brilliant orange, red and scorching yellow echo his mastery, eagerness and passion…...

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Card Meanings

The Knight of Wands

To understand the energy of the Knight of Wands card in tarot decks, it’s important to remember what psychologist Carl Jung had to say about…...

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Card Meanings

The Queen of Wands

To understand the energy of the Queen of Wands card in tarot decks, it’s important to remember what psychologist Carl Jung had to say about…...

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