Category: Tarot


Tarot Spreads

‘Block Timing’ with the Tarot Cards

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I’ve tried numerous methods of reckoning the likely date (or at least the date-range) for the occurrence of future events using the tarot,…...

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Tarot Predictions

A Tarot Compass and Range-Finder: Locating the Lost

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Although horary astrology is much better for it, I sometimes work with tarot as a means of finding lost items or people. I…...

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Tarot Predictions

Tarot Keywords: Cataloguing the Commonplace

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I’ve been learning that many Medieval writers padded their work in a variety of ways to increase its length. One of their favorite…...

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Tarot History

Killing the Thoth Deck

An issue came up on one of the forums about which is the best book from which to learn about the Crowley-Harris Thoth deck. The…...

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Tarot Spreads

“Ships That Pass”: A Relationship-Potential Spread

“Ships that pass in the night, and speak each other in passing, only a signal shown and a distant voice in the darkness” – Henry…...

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Card Meanings

Logic Me This, Cardman!

“Riddle me this, riddle me that” said the Riddler to the Dark Knight. AUTHOR’S NOTE: An online acquaintance recently described the tarot as a logic-based…...

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Tarot History

Moralization of the Game of Cards: Part 1

While there certainly have been plenty of prohibitions historically against playing cards, usually the focus was anti-gambling. There have also been laws allowingcard playing, especially…...

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Card Meanings

Personalizing the Court Cards: So Many Different People To Be

“And when I look in my window/So many different people to be” – Donovan Leitch, from Season of the Witch AUTHOR’S NOTE: Correct interpretation of…...

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Tarot Spreads

The Oldest Tarot Spread

Is there any “true” way to lay the cards? Probably not. But here is the first tarot spread to appear in print. It is in…...

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