Category: Metaphysics Matters

Metaphysics Matters

Metaphysical Matters

Bruno’s Propelled Heart

Excerpt from The 90-Day Heart Line Challenge: Open Your Heart to Love, Joy and Happiness In his masterpiece, The Holy Science, Sri Yukteswar tells us…...

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November: Letting Go

Letting go…one of the hardest things to do in this world, and one of the biggest culprits to our health and happiness. An inability to…...

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Metaphysical Matters

Lyn and Roy: The Dark Heart

The Five States of the Heart In his masterpiece, The Holy Science, Sri Yukteswar tells us that, as we evolve toward the expression of perfect…...

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October: The Month of KNOWING

Matthew 17:20…if ye have faith as a mustard seed, you can move mountains… This passage is the base of my holistic health coaching. It is…...

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Metaphysical Matters

The Journey of a Lifetime

I hope you packed your hiking boots; we’re about to set off on a trek across the Kalpnic path. Well, you don’t actually need boots,…...

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September: Looking ahead to the Future

As I prepared to sit and write a couple of weeks ago for this article, I noticed a recurring theme. Things just stopped. I figured…...

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Metaphysical Matters

The Head Line: Our Doorway to Peace of Mind

In Vedic palmistry, the head line is often referred to as “the king of the hand” because it rules the way we think, the way…...

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August: The Month To Watch Reality Shift

We hear it all the time, “If there is one thing that remains constant, it is that life always changes”.  We are living through some…...

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Metaphysical Matters

Thinking Your Way to Happiness

The human mind is, without question, the Universe’s greatest wonder—the unrivaled masterpiece of Creation. Our ability to think, to reflect upon our thoughts, to be…...

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