Category: Metaphysics Matters

Metaphysics Matters


December: Love Is…

As I sit here on this Thanksgiving night, waiting until the last moment to sit down and write, looking back over the last month and…...

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November: The Wounded Healer

  Another month of giving Thanks has come upon us and as we venture into the quiet months of the gardens, I am reminded to…...

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Metaphysical Matters

The Quest for Harmony: The Quadrangle

The quadrangle is the area formed by the lines of heart and head and is referred to as the landing strip of the angels.  When…...

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Metaphysical Matters

Myth Buster: A Short Life Line  

Myth: A short life line means a short life. Fact: Not necessarily… People often associate the life line with how long they are going to…...

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October: The Truth Shall Set Us Free

  This month I am going to be completely and totally honest with you. Some of you will be so angry that you stop reading…...

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September: WE are the Miracle!

Can you imagine a world without miracles? Me either! There are so many different kinds of miracles; birth, healing, transformation, change of plans, the list…...

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August: Intuitive Knowing and our Personal Reality

Wow! What a month! Talk about a reality check! Let me explain just a bit about this last month. I got to watch the most…...

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Metaphysical Matters

The Man in the Golden Slippers – Part III

When I first arrived at the Birla Center 30 years ago my mind and my hand were a mess; my thoughts and emotions were all…...

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