Category: Metaphysics Matters

Metaphysics Matters


5 Surprising Facts About Food Sensitivities

Here are five surprising facts that you probably don’t know about food sensitivities: (1) Can be diagnosed as nonallergic rhinitis. Nonallergic rhinitis involves chronic sneezing…...

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Are Gluten-Free Breads Bad?

Some doctors are concerned that people who do not suffer from celiac disease, gluten intolerance or sensitivity are eating too many gluten-free bread products. They…...

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In the beginning, there was essential oils …

By Felissa Davis “What are essential oils?”, “Why should we use essential oils?” and “Is there a difference in Essential Oils?” These are the three…...

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How long does it take to eliminate food sensitivity?

by Nerissa Oden Leaders in the field of food sensitivities and intolerances say that you can eliminate your symptoms just by avoiding the foods you…...

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Peace of mind

  By: Becky Jordan I think most of us would agree that we live in a culture that promotes a constant grasping for material wealth…...

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Why are food ingredient regulations a gift?

By: Nerissa Oden If you’ve ever seen a package of Super Grain Quinoa Pasta but never read the ingredients, you’ve probably assumed it was made…...

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What is Bread-Free Bread?

By: Nerissa Oden Is there something wrong with bread? People who avoid bread usually say that wheat and gluten are bad , and that bread lacks…...

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How to: affordable food sensitivities test (IgG)

People often ask me, “What is the cheapest way to get a food sensitivity test?” They add, “I don’t have insurance.” The following steps outline…...

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Living Your Yoga

I tell my students that everything is yoga. Finding and maintaining balance in our lives and living our lives morally and ethically are the first…...

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SUGAR: Your GMO Sweetheart?

By: Nerissa Oden In the media, genetically modified organisms (GMO) are currently being suggested as one cause of the huge increases in reported food allergies and…...

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