Category: Healing



MAY: Perfection Within Us

I am going to revisit the story of the mustard seed this month. It carries important instructions on looking within ourselves for the answers we…...

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March: You are Your Own Amazing Miracle

Steps and Squats…and a Bubble I am going to start our session working on steps, then squats, and finally I am going to finish it…...

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March: You are Your Own Amazing Miracle

nu·​tri·​tion | \ nu̇-ˈtri-shən  , nyu̇-  \ Definition of nutrition 1: the act or process of nourishing or being nourishedspecifically : the sum of the processes by which an animal or plant takes in and…...

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February: Upper Body and Balance

How many of you put what you learned about your legs into practice this month? Did you notice a difference? And if so, What kind…...

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November: Letting Go

Letting go…one of the hardest things to do in this world, and one of the biggest culprits to our health and happiness. An inability to…...

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October: The Month of KNOWING

Matthew 17:20…if ye have faith as a mustard seed, you can move mountains… This passage is the base of my holistic health coaching. It is…...

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September: Looking ahead to the Future

As I prepared to sit and write a couple of weeks ago for this article, I noticed a recurring theme. Things just stopped. I figured…...

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August: The Month To Watch Reality Shift

We hear it all the time, “If there is one thing that remains constant, it is that life always changes”.  We are living through some…...

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Independent Thought

Just WOW! I honestly have had so much trouble writing this months article. When Joni said the truth would be revealed, I knew it would…...

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