Category: In This Issue

In This Issue

In This Issue

June In This Issue

Welcome to the June issue of AstroLogic Magazine! Here we are, halfway through the year. It’s a mid-point where we can either catch our breath

In This Issue

May In This Issue

Welcome to the May issue of AstroLogic Magazine! May has always felt like a month of manifesting to me. We are almost halfway through the…...

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In This Issue

April In This Issue

Welcome to the April issue of AstroLogic Magazine! Our path of learning and experiencing the metaphysical world is laden with priceless treasure this month. Insight…...

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In This Issue

March: In This Issue

Welcome to the March issue of AstroLogic Magazine! In this issue we bring you incredibly diverse and spectacular metaphysical articles to explore. In addition to…...

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In This Issue

February In This Issue

Welcome to the February issue of AstroLogic Magazine! What an outstanding issue we have for you. All of your favorites – AstroFinance, Monthly Sign Predictions,…...

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In This Issue

January In This Issue

Welcome to the January issue of AstroLogic Magazine! It’s a brand-new year and we are overflowing with wisdom and guidance about astrology, tarot and many…...

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In This Issue

December In This Issue

Welcome to the December issue of AstroLogic Magazine! As I think about all the fabulous turning points our magazine has seen this year, none stands…...

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In This Issue

In This Issue

Welcome to the November issue of AstroLogic Magazine! What an exciting issue we have for you this month. We cover the spectrum of metaphysical subjects…...

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In This Issue

In This Issue

Welcome to the October issue of AstroLogic Magazine! Every month our magazine is special, and I’m always so proud of it, but this issue is…...

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In This Issue

In This Issue: September

Welcome to the September issue of AstroLogic Magazine! Can you feel the energy building already this month? Of course, Mercury will be retrograde for a