Category: Astrology



October Astrology Forecast: Soul Quest

Mars and Jupiter retrograde—gathering momentum Saturn, Pluto, and Mercury station direct—embracing predestined changes Astrology Overview 2nd: Mercury Direct in Virgo: Attention to Detail 8th: Pluto…...

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Monthly Sign Predictions

September 2022 Sign Predictions

Phew! September has arrived and it is hard to believe we only have four months left in 2022. It seems like just yesterday we were…...

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Points of Wealth: Luck of the Yogi and the Yogi Point

The yogi point can give a secret point of prosperity and luck in your chart and is connected to the daily relationship between the Sun…...

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Monthly Aspects and Forecast

September Astrology Focus: Energy Recalibration

September Intention: I feel at home in my body. I am naturally compassionate with myself and others. Home is a place I enjoy being. September…...

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Sarah Palin’s Political Reboot: A Horary Perspective

The mainstream media has recently been reporting on the attempt by Sarah Palin to rekindle her faded political fortunes in the national arena. You may…...

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