GENERAL ECONOMIC INSIGHTS: Larger cycles for the first few weeks of November suggest crisis energy. That would seem more likely in the world bond markets…...
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A famous psychiatrist and a Holocaust survivor, Victor Frankl used to ask his clients a rhetorical question: “Why didn’t you kill yourself?” Although it may…...
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In the mid-Nineties, a crime story out of Toronto horrified the rest of Canada. Paul Bernardo, a clean-cut boyish-looking accountant was arrested and charged with…...
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American songwriter and singer John Legend has topped the charts in American popular music Rhythm and Blues, Pop, and Neo-Soul genres for nearly two decades,…...
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I Many phrases used for mental institutions sound derogatory, but entering one often means to be labeled. Mad, crazy or insane are social categories and…...
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A Damned Painter and His (Incompatible?) Devoted Companion (Modigliani’s – Herbuterne’s synastric analysis, in depth) “When I know your soul, I will paint your eyes……...
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