Category: Astrology



Mercury Retrograde: A Brief Case Study

AUTHOR’S NOTE: As a natal and predictive astrologer with 50+ years of experience I’ve always accepted the premise that, unless they evoke a response by…...

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2024 Presidential Election Recap: The Power of Horary

I decided to revisit my October 9th “Astro-Tarotscope” reading in response to the projected outcome of the 2024 Presidential election. I’ve shared the reading below…...

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The Moon: Where Should We Move?

One young woman I know who has been living in Austin, Texas, decided to do just that and asked me to help her figure out…...

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Monthly Sign Predictions

November Vedic Sign Predictions

Dear Readers, Change is in the air in this month of the US Election on November 5. But in the stars and planets, much of…...

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7 Vastu Remedies for Attracting Wealth and Hospitality

Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science of architecture and design, offers valuable insights on harmonizing the energy flow in your living or working space to…...

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Monthly Aspects and Forecast

November Aspects and Forecast: New Vision, Big Risks

Best days:  November 22-23 Days to be mindful/play it safe: November 15-17 Walking through fire: New Moon in Scorpio November is a 1-month in an…...

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Monthly Aspects and Forecast

October Aspects and Forecast: Closure and Completion

October Numerology: October is a 9-month in an 8-year: Closure, completion, tying things up. What are you integrating? Watch for a sense of urgency and overstimulation…....

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Monthly Sign Predictions

October Vedic Sign Predictions

Dear Readers, I am writing on Friday, September 27, and the news of the world is intense and overflowing. A major hurricane has hit Florida…...

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AstroCartoGraphy: Plan the Perfect Birthday Trip

An interesting request arrived in my email a couple of days ago. An astrology client was trying to plan her birthday, which will be at…...

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