Category: Astrology



Elon Musk: The Eternal Quest

Elon Musk Birth Data: June 28th, 1971 Pretoria, South Africa No birth time available Elon Musk continually makes the news because of his various ventures…...

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Ancient Soul Flight and the Roots of Astrology

Long before the advent of modern science, no one knew the moon was 238,900 miles away, or that traveling millions of light years was required…...

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January AstroFinance: Stocks, Gold, Crypto and Tech

GENERAL ECONOMIC INSIGHTS: The recession is coming next year as Jupiter moves into Aries and will be aspected exactly 60 degrees into June 19, 2023…....

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A Surgical Forecast: The Horary Perspective

AUTHOR’S NOTE: A relative underwent surgery before the end of 2022, and wanted a horary event chart to examine the astrological signature for the date,…...

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Speaking the Truth: Sun and Moon Energy

Speaking someone else’s truth is impossible. The need for constant talking often ends up as salad-words, and can be an indicator of a foggy truth…...

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2023 Timeline Overview

Every year brings its challenges and rewards. Some years bring more challenges, and more rewards. 2023 is one of those years, it seems. War, natural…...

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January 2023 Vedic Sign Predictions

Dear Readers,             Happy New Year! The past year has been filled with plenty of stellar drama, matched with all sorts of earthly drama. The…...

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Ben Affleck – Matt Damon Synastry

The bromance that spawned a “socialist” Hollywood venture “My own kind of sanity and mental health really benefitted from having someone who I grew up…...

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The Power of Pisces

The world has been blessed in 2022 with the presence of the Great Benefic planet Jupiter spending most of the year (and part of next…...

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Monthly Sign Predictions

Dear Readers, Early December Summary The last half of November has brought lots of surprises and upsets in elections and sports matches. Not to mention…...

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