Category: Monthly Sign Predictions

Monthly Sign Predictions

Monthly Sign Predictions

December Vedic Sign Predictions

Dear Readers, “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times…” So began the novel, A Tale of Two Cities, written about…...

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Monthly Sign Predictions

November Vedic Sign Predictions

Dear Readers, Change is in the air in this month of the US Election on November 5. But in the stars and planets, much of…...

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Monthly Sign Predictions

October Vedic Sign Predictions

Dear Readers, I am writing on Friday, September 27, and the news of the world is intense and overflowing. A major hurricane has hit Florida…...

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Monthly Sign Predictions

September Vedic Sign Predictions

Dear Readers, We begin the month with the Sun in Leo, Jupiter in Taurus, and Saturn in Aquarius, a very fixed, power-oriented combination. Enjoy the…...

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Monthly Sign Predictions

August Vedic Sign Predictions

AUGUST CHANGES The most dramatic event of the season will be the exact conjunction/occultation of Mars and Jupiter on August 14 at 22 degrees Taurus…...

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Monthly Sign Predictions

July Vedic Sign Predictions

JULY CHANGES   The biggest changes in the stars coming up in July is the relative lack of change, compared to the past few months…....

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June Vedic Sign Predictions

JUNE  CHANGES: Uranus leaves Aries and enters Taurus June 1 for a stay of about seven years. The last time Uranus visited this sign was…...

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May Vedic Monthly Sign Predictions

MAY CHANGES:   Jupiter enters Taurus May 1. Jupiter spends about a year in each sign, so I sometimes playfully refer to it as the…...

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March Vedic Sign Predictions

MARCH CHANGES:   This month we will be unwinding from the triple conjunction of Sun, Mercury and Aquarius which is just a few days behind…...

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February Vedic Sign Predictions

FEBRUARY CHANGES:   Dear Readers,   This is an action-packed month. All the planets are in direct motion – nothing standing still or moving backwards…....

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