Category: Monthly Aspects and Forecast

Monthly Aspects and Forecast


April Aspects and Forecast: Balance and Reciprocity

Q2 Themes We are called in a new direction this Spring. One door closes and another opens. Ask for help and receive it in April…....

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March Aspects and Forecast: Focus Pocus

Intention: I choose the Highest path of personal integrity and truth. Numerology: March is a 1-Month in a 7-Year: Focus Pocus Motivation. Clarity. Inner Vision…....

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Monthly Aspects and Forecast

February Monthly Aspects and Forecast

Hello dear reader! I’m so thrilled to be joining the ranks of the astrologers and writers here at Astrologic Magazine. I’d like to begin with…...

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December Astrology Forecast: Completion

December Intention:  I enjoy living my Highest path of personal integrity and wisdom, in my own experiment of a life by divine design. 9-Month in…...

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November Astrology Forecast: Roll the Dice

Numerology 8-Month in a 6-Year: Roll the dice. Half measures availed us nothing. This combo charges up cycles of abundance, motivation, and chance-taking. You may…...

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October Astrology Forecast: Soul Quest

Mars and Jupiter retrograde—gathering momentum Saturn, Pluto, and Mercury station direct—embracing predestined changes Astrology Overview 2nd: Mercury Direct in Virgo: Attention to Detail 8th: Pluto…...

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Monthly Aspects and Forecast

September Astrology Focus: Energy Recalibration

September Intention: I feel at home in my body. I am naturally compassionate with myself and others. Home is a place I enjoy being. September…...

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Monthly Aspects and Forecast

August Astrology Forecast 2022: Freestyle

Have you ever met a free spirit? Stay true to your own genetic law in August. How free do you wanna be? Free from what?…...

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July Astrology Forecast

Astrology: Fated Turning Points July 5: Mars enters Taurus, Mercury enters Cancer July 11: USA’s second Pluto return July 13: Full Moon at 21°Capricorn July…...

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