Category: AstroFinance



March Astro-Economic Forecast

By: Barry Rosen March is one of the more challenging months of the year in the Vedic calendar with the Mars/Venus/Ketu conjunction March 1-8th, Mars…...

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2015 Financial Astro-Economic Forecast

We have steered away from crash predictions and chicken little forecasts because we have just not seen it. The US will hold up longer and…...

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About GoPro

Everyone loves GoPro, but is it a misguided love? About GoPro from: “There was a time when GoPro could do no wrong. Three months into its…...

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With so much pending on the price of oil, the general public has no idea how this affects the world and economy. The masses of…...

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2015 Astro-Economic Outlook

From Barry Rosen Updated Nov. 10, 2014. Happy autumn. The stock market’s recovery to new highs after a 10% correction, a great economy and great…...

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The stock to invest in for the month of December for short term gain is Apple. “You may find that the best-performing stocks during the…...

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Stock of the Month: Amazon

From Forbes Magazine: “This high tech conglomerate makes online movies, designs and sells handheld devices like an ebook reader and a smart phone, runs…...

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Alibaba (BABA)

Alibaba shares started trading at $92.70 Do I think this stock is worth the price? How will it fare? Lets analyze the first trade date chart…....

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AstroFinance – September

Instead of focusing in on any particular stock I want to give a heads up in what I see happening astrologically in the stock market…....

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