Category: AstroFinance



Southwest Airlines

When it comes to stocks, my all-time favorite has always been Southwest Airlines. It has made me the most profit throughout the years. This Texas-based…...

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Mars and Saturn In Sagittarius: Focus On Health Care

EYE ON THE SKY: SATURN INTO SAGITTARIUS WITH MARS AND IMPACT ON HEALTH: Mars is in Sagittarius now and moving toward conjunction with Saturn into April…...

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Zcash is the latest kid on the block of cryptocurrencies – a wave ushered by bitcoin back in 2008. Over the years, many alternative cryptocurrencies called altcoins have been launched. Following…...

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The Unbearable Lightness of Being in an Anxious World

I have personally been going through a lot of physical and emotional challenges and when I talk to my friends, I am hearing great distress…...

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Waiting For Godot And Astrology

We have noted that until Saturn gets out of Ketu’s nakshatra of Mula in early March and at the same time Venus goes into exaltation…...

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Winter Blahs: Too Much Saturn

There are too many connections to Saturn in the sky now and that creates stress, fatigue, anxiety and depression.  Mars is in Saturn’s nakshatra of…...

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Litecoin Litecoin (LTC or Ł[1]) is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency and open source software project released under the MIT/X11 license.[2] Creation and transfer of coins is…...

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