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The Sun: The Principle of Collaboration, Teamwork/Partnership, Co-operation
In tarot decks, the Sun card represents unlimited energy within us waiting to be utilized. It is the duality of male and female life force that taps into our vast creative resources. This card reminds us that we are natural generators, motivators, and stimulators in not only our personal lives, but within our professional lives…...
Why Dreams Matter
In the history of human kind the oldest language, by far, is the language of dreams. They are mentioned in literature as far back as 2000 BCE in the epic of the Sumerian king Gilgamesh. Greek poet Homer used a dream as a plot device in his masterpiece the Iliad circa 760 BCE, while Shakespeare…...
Welcome to the July issue of AstroLogic Magazine!
Welcome to the July issue of AstroLogic Magazine! The beginning of this month presents the most dangerous time of the year for us. In Joni Patry’s Insights, Aspects and Predictions, she details the treacherous potential and how we can do our best to avoid catastrophe. Plus, she shares astrological details for the entire month so…...
The Moon: The Principle of Choice, Authenticity vs. Dutifulness
Often this is called the karma card meaning that when this card is pulled, there is work to be done. The biggest choice we make each day is whether we honor and present our authentic self or false sense of self that either no longer serves us or has never served us. We stand at…...
Welcome to the May issue of AstroLogic Magazine!
With this issue Joni Patry and I begin our seventh year of publication. Our desire to share ancient science practiced to benefit a modern world now reaches thousands of our like-minded community each month. It is with our deepest gratitude that we continue with our current issue. Joni brings you her Insights, Aspects and Predictions…...
Highways in Your Dreams
Have you dreamt of traveling on a highway in a dream? Most of us have. In the language of mind, a highway represents the path in life you’ve chosen to follow to accomplish your goals. Just like in our physical lives, we choose the path we take by the choices we make. In our dreams,…...
The Tower: The Principle of Restoration, Renovation and De-Structuring Old Forms
This tarot card has often been misunderstood because of the violence depicted on it. Flames, upheaval and a toppling tower looks disastrous, but this card represents change and awakening that is required. It points to dismantling the artificial which might be within our natures. Healing, restoration and renovation can then take place. Whatever isn’t truly…...
The Devil: The Principle of Mirth/Humor at What Bedevils Us
The Devil tarot card represents the shadow side of us; that which bedevils us. But we must carefully consider the deeper meanings of this ancient archetype which has undergone significant symbolic transformation. The goat-like image that we now see related to devil iconography harkens back to the original depiction of the Greek god Pan who…...
Babies in Dreams
The image of a baby in a dream symbolizes a new idea. In the language of our dreaming minds, everything is a symbol and not to be taken literally. Understanding this helps us interpret our dreams to decipher the message our subconscious mind is wanting to tell us. The gender of the baby is important…...
Welcome to the March issue of AstroLogic Magazine!
Reveals and revelations on a global scale will be in the spotlight this month according to Joni Patry. Check out her Insights, Aspects and Predictions for details on what’s headed our way. Plus, in AstroFinance she dives into the charts of two airlines, a cruise line, bitcoin, a lumber company and Air BnB to let…...