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The Page and Princess of Wands

The Page of Wands appears in the popular Rider Waite Smith tarot deck as well as in other decks. Unlike his other family members – the King, Queen and Knight of Wands – the Page isn’t attributed any particular quality. Rather he reflects the essence of the element to which his suit is connected. This…...

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Animals in Dreams

Most animals in dreams symbolically represent habits. Because animals operate from instinct and repetition, or habit, our subconscious minds use this symbol to convey the message of a habit present in our lives. Four primary animals represent specific types of habits: Snakes are a symbol of life force within us which inspires creation on all…...

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Welcome to the February issue of AstroLogic Magazine

This month will see a major energy shift! Joni Patry shares the details in her Spiritual Insights and Predictions. Then, in AstroFinance she brings you her stock market forecast for 2022 along with a close look at American Airlines and Raytheon stocks to let you know if now is a good time to invest. And,…...

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Prince of Wands (Thoth) and King of Wands (Rider/Waite/Smith)

Imbued with the Earth energy of fire, the King indisputably rules his kingdom. Brilliant orange, red and scorching yellow echo his mastery, eagerness and passion of everything he touches. His unlimited creative expression is inspired from deep within. In the Thoth deck the reins of his chariot are draped over his hand indicating his creativity…...

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How to Decode Your Dreams

Once you understand what the images in your dreams mean, how do you link them to get a clear message? The language our dreaming mind uses is universal and timeless. The psychologist Carl Jung called our dreaming mind part of the collective unconscious. We have all dreamed of falling or flying, being naked in public…...

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Astrology and Tarot: The Cosmic Key

Astrology and tarot share fundamental aspects allowing us to gain deep, accurate insight into our past, present and future. When tarot began being used as a tool to tap into our subconscious and prophetic intuition, zodiac signs and planets were assigned to the major arcana and four minor arcana houses along with the four elements…...

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Welcome to the January 2022 issue of AstroLogic Magazine!

We’ve made it to the beginning of a new year, a new page on which we can begin writing our own personal stories and the stories of the world around us. It’s the third year of dealing with the pandemic of Covid-19, national lockdowns and political unrest. Joni Patry lays out how we will move…...

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Authority Figures in Dreams

What do your mother, a priest and the President of the United States have in common? They are all authority figures and symbolize something special if you dream about them. People you consider important in social standing or whose professional or personal position elevates them in moral stature would be considered authority figures. And in…...

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The Knight of Wands

To understand the energy of the Knight of Wands card in tarot decks, it’s important to remember what psychologist Carl Jung had to say about all the royalty cards. He stated that each card – the Knight, King, Queen and Page – symbolized four aspects of personality. There is the feeling aspect represented by the…...

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Welcome to the December issue of AstroLogic Magazine!

We’ve made it to the end of another year. Marked by every month filled with the awareness of a coronavirus pandemic either ebbing or increasing, we have nevertheless found a way as a global community to come to this point. Joni Patry speaks to this situation in her Insights, Aspects and Predictions. The great sociopolitical…...

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