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December Wise Skies Astrology Forecast 

For sure this will be a December to remember. This is one of the most astrologically potent months of the year because of the shift from the Earth Kingdom to the Air Kingdom for a new 200-year cycle on Solstice. December Podcast December YouTube Video Forecast Blog December 2020 Overview December Numerology…...

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November 2020 Overview

Where are the planets guiding us? What is the Moon reflecting to us in November? The astrological weather forecast provides a navigation system for living during uncertain times… when timing is everything. I’m so glad you’re here! I’m Tiffany and I look forward to providing insight to you and your lucky stars. November Podcast Link…...

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Wise Skies forecast for October

Autumn is here, winter will follow, and Spring will come. This astrological season of patience, darkness, and stillness comes with a disturbance in the force. In numerology, October is a 5-month in a 4-year. We are learning how to be okay in the highs, lows, and uncertainty of life. As unprocessed emotions surface, we feel…...

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September Skies: Astrology Forecast

Where are the planets guiding us? What is the Moon reflecting to us? The September astrological weather forecast provides a navigation system for living during uncertain times. Listen to the podcast and check out the lunations page for more cosmic support in September. September Astrology Overview September 2nd – Full Moon in Pisces September 5th – Mercury enters Libra…...

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August Intention: I find stability through the foundation of new beginnings.

Listen to the August Podcast! Numerology August is a 3-Universal Month in a 4-Universal Year Fertility, creativity, and connection are themes of the 3, while structure remains an important theme of the 4. This is an opportunity to balance the yin(3) and yang (4) energy. Perhaps the best use of the 3*4 number code is…...

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July Astrology Forecast from Wise Skies

July Intention: I clean up my karma through personal responsibility and the assistance of unseen helpers. On the go? Listen to the July podcast! Numerology Overview July is an 11/2-Universal Month in a 4-Universal Year 7 (July) + 4 (2020) = 11  psychic development, illumination Reduce the eleven: 1 + 1 = 2  partnership, harmony,…...

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June Skies: Astrology Forecast

June Intention: I feel focused and clear, and comfortable in my own skin. On the go? Listen to the June podcast! Astrology Everything shifts into a different gear this month and offers plenty of opportunities to observe yourself and find your momentum. What makes you tick? What path are you walking on and why? Astrology…...

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June Lunations

The cosmic deck is shuffled as the lunar cycle fluctuates from a Full Moon eclipse in 15-Saggitarius to a New Moon in 0-Cancer. Are you going on an adventure in your own home? Here’s the full June forecast and podcast and below are ceremonies and ideas for you to play with. Friday, June 5th –…...

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Wise Skies June Podcast

Listen Here  … This content is for Monthly Subscription , Yearly Subscription , and 6 month Subscription members only.Log In Register...

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May 2020 Lunations Forecast

Welcome to the May lunations forecast! The May forecast and podcast are also available if you want the full scoop. This month we have a Full Moon in Scorpio, followed by a New Moon in Gemini. I’ve included a sample ceremony below as well as a ritual Cacao recipe. When the Full Moon falls in…...

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