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October Astrology Forecast

October is 6-Universal Month in a 5-Universal Year “We all deserve more unconditional love, not less.” Adrienne Cobb In numerology, October is a preview for 2022 (which is a 6-Universal Year). Focus on the heart, unconditional love, and compassion for people who are coming from their not-self. Let this month be restorative. Lean in. Come…...

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September: the Art of Doubt

We are learning to be okay in the highs, lows, in the stillness and in the adventure this month – we are learning to trust that we are exactly where we are supposed to be.  Article by Tiffany Harelik, Quick help: Podcast Mercury retrograde article YouTube NUMEROLOGY 5-Universal Month in a 5-Universal Year: Double Rainbow…...

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Entering the Magician’s Realm

Every year from July 28th until August 12th, the Lion’s Gate portal opens, peaking on August 8th. It combines ancient astrological wisdom with numerology frequencies to open roads, clear paths, and grant wishes. The celebration of the Lion’s Gate dates back thousands of years to the ancient Egyptians and Mayans. Even amidst challenging August Skies, this portal promotes…...

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July Astrology Forecast: Clearing the Heart and Hearth

We hear a lot from shamans and energy workers that it’s time to Dream a new future for ourselves and our world – but what does it mean when we’re experiencing a collective nightmare? Our dreams, good or bad, offer insight and lessons into our psyche and deepest soul guidance. We will be dissecting our…...

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June 2021: Solar Powered. 

Astrology forecast by Tiffany Harelik at Wise Skies Are you hitting a breaking point? Having a new liberating experience? The second of three Saturn/Uranus squares strike in June [insert gong crash]. Saturn forces, Uranus explodes, and because both planets are in fixed signs (Aquarius and Taurus), we will see ultimatums, clashes, and contrasts. All during a month-long Mercury…...

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May: Rewriting the Story of Your Life

Let your conscience be your guide. Positive disruption continues throughout the year (Jupiter/Uranus squares). Things become unhinged. Dismantled. Reorganized for the better. May has it’s rocky moments, but it’s the best month of the year to pivot and rewrite the story of your life. Pick a new daily discipline to be your anchor in the…...

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April: Overcoming odds with new possibilities

The wheel turns. The second quarter of the year begins. The invitation of Q2 is to get out of your head and into your heart, out of the clouds and into practical action. Quiet and shy, or the cunning observer? Pull your energy inward this month to learn more about yourself. April Journal Prompt: What…...

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March 2021: Risking your Heart, Recalibrating Yourself + Empowerment

NUMEROLOGY 8-Universal Month in a 5-Universal Year: cycles of power Abundance, motivation, and risk-taking. It’s the kind of month where you may feel “all in” no matter what you’re doing. You may have big decisions to make around money and love. It’s a roller coaster of energy! Just remember to go slow: roller coasters can…...

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February 2021 Forecast

Saturn and Uranus, the planets that rule Aquarius, are squaring off this month for one of the most notable astrological signature events of the year.  What are the planets reflecting to us under Mercury retrograde Skies in February? Here’s the podcast and youtube version as well. NUMEROLOGY 7-Universal Month in a 5-Universal Year: Self-Study The energy is ripe for soul-searching and…...

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January 2021: Changing Gears 

The new year brings a promise of hope and positive change. Astrology and numerology help anchor us when the territory is uncertain. Here’s our take on how to optimize the January Skies. NUMEROLOGY 6-Universal Month in a 5-Universal Year: There’s no Place Like Home  Unconditional love and self-care are anchors as the annual numerology changes…...

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