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Wise Skies July Astrology Forecast

Astrology: Fated Turning PointsJuly 5: Mars enters Taurus, Mercury enters CancerJuly 11: USA’s second Pluto return July 13: Full Moon at 21°CapricornJuly 18: Venus in CancerJuly 19: Mercury enters Leo, Chiron Retrograde in AriesJuly 22: Sun enters LeoJuly 26: Uranus conjunct North Node July 28: Jupiter Retrograde in Aries + New Moon at 5°LeoJuly 31: Uranus conjunct…...

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June: Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide 

Numerology 3-Universal Month in a 6-Universal Year: Connection. Creativity. Be careful to not overcommit mid month under this extroverted energy. June Intention: I am inspired by creating elevated emotions and clear intentions. I feel a renewed sense of energy, connection, and purpose throughout the month. I naturally flow in my highest calling while enjoying the…...

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May Astrology

We are expecting to see surprise engagements/babies and major plot twists in relationships following the Libra Full Moon and April Eclipse that fell over Eros and Uranus at the end of April. The relationship theme is heavy in our tarot readings as well as the numerology this month. May Intention: I love finding new opportunities to…...

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April Astrology

The Sun is in the 21st gate. This is the gate of the Hunter/Huntress, the Treasurer – and Biting Through. There is a desire to be in control of resources. This need to control can spring from lack-mentality, wealth/acquisition, fear, or intelligence. What themes around “control” do you notice popping up? The Sun moves into…...

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Take a Chance in February: Endless Possibilities

February kicks off a huge window of opportunity. With Jupiter sextiling Uranus this month, and the New Moon in Aquarius on the first, fates twist and the Skies tempt you to roll the dice. An 8-Universal month agrees: it’s time to go big, or go home. Note: February 20th begins the Pluto return for the…...

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2022 is approaching

What themes are baked in? What’s there to savor? When should we avoid burnout? Astrology shows us where to find ports in the storm. Article by Tiffany Harelik, Looking back: 2021 was a 5-universal year: feeling spread too thin, things moving in a lot of directions, moving parts, scattered energy, RV lifestyles Saturn/Uranus squares:…...

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December: Being Here Now

Buckle up and hang on to your crystals! 2021 goes out with a bang as the third and final Saturn/Uranus square completes and the United States gears up for our Pluto return years (article on that coming soon). The December astrology paints a monthly map of adversity, synthesis, and perseverance. Didn’t want to hear that?…...

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November Astrology Forecast: Future Nostalgia

The Bigger Picture in November Even though tension is building for a final difficult transit in December, we’re experiencing Future Nostalgia: a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the future. Here’s why… Trigger, or Medicine Bag? We all have ‘those days’ where something catches us off-guard. When an emotional trigger is hit, can you see…...

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Do you have big dreams and serious goals for 2022?

Wise Skies has you covered! Your cosmic advantage begins with the Wise Skies Digital Astrology Calendar. With this superpower in your back pocket, you will be fully equipped to strategically access the magic of good timing. We’re offering the same calendar you’ve grown to love, and have added a second North Node calendar! Let the…...

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2022 Digital Astrology Calendar Coupon: LOGIC5 Instruction Guide  2022 Wise Skies Digital Calendar  Tap into the magic of good timing.  “Astrology is one of the earliest attempts made by man to find  the order hidden behind or within the confusing and apparent  chaos that exists in the world.”—Karen Hamaker-Zonda  Let the Universe Have Your Back! …...

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