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Musings on the Voyager Tarot

My daughter and I moved to Austin late in 1985 (seems so long ago). This is relevant, because the next year I was introduced to something I had never seen before – a traveling Tarot Coach. She was actually trained by the creator of Voyager Tarot, James Wanless, and she was working her way through the states. Voyager…...

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What’s Your Soul Creating With Your One, Beautiful Life?

Nothing is more profound than for The Universe to slyly expose our personal prejudices to our own eyes. I hadn’t realized I possessed a prejudice against modern-looking tarot decks in favor of decks with images more in line with vintage and ancient art. I must be forever grateful to The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne…...

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Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot

A new reading client recently emailed me for an appointment, and we got to discussing the tarot. She was a new reader herself, so of course I needed to know which deck she was using. She owned only one deck — the Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot.         This was intriguing. What was…...

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Musings on Tarot Decks: Tarot Illuminati

I was first introduced to the Tarot Illuminati (nothing to do with secret organizations) on the long-running Tarot site ‘Aeclectic Tarot’. In the autumn of 2011, artist Eric C. Dunn posted his first original tarot card, the Queen of Swords. That first card took the Tarot community by storm, and he eventually adjusted it while creating…...

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Musings on the Tarot: The Lovers Path Tarot

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Musings on the Tarot: Sola Busca Tarot Deck

Social media always gets a bad rap, but one of the things I like about it is the feeling of connectedness you can get from friends and family far away. People change jobs, move, relocate, and it’s easy to lose touch. Proximity is everything, but you can get glimpses of their lives and snippets of […]

Musings on Tarot Decks: The Alice Tarot

I confess, I have a favorite Tarot-creating company—it’s Baba Studios and their Magic Realist Press by Irish designer Karen Mahoney and Russian illustrator Alex Zukov. I get their newsletters regularly, letting me know in advance when one of their new custom decks will be soon available, and I am a sucker for their limited edition Tarot…...

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Musings on Tarot decks— The Antique Anatomy Tarot

My love of Tarot card decks is well known, even in the world of muggles. That’s why I’m surprised I don’t receive them more often as gifts. This Christmas, however, was different. My sweet son and his beautiful fiancé gifted me with a stunning new tarot deck and I was completely surprised and delighted. That…...

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Musings on Tarot Decks: The Christmas Tarot

Merry Christmas Darlings! Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus Tarot Deck. Or rather, several. Some are just a Christmas version of The Rider/Waite/Smith images, or even the Tarot of Marseille and many are Oracle decks, but the the Christmas Tarot deck I love is this sweet Vintage deck I found on Etsy. I probably…...

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Musings on the Tarot—The Shadowscape Tarot

Cruise around the internet landscape and it may surprise you to see how many people review tarot decks on-line.  It’s equally surprising that, with all the thousands of tarot decks flooding the market these days, so many reviewers list the same few decks as their go-to decks. With the plethora available to choose from, this…...

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