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Astrocartography: Every Place is Good for Something
Why is everyone talking about astrocartography? A little info about the astrocartography experience. Many years ago when I decided to get serious about my astrology reading practice, I got a PC and started searching for programs. At that time I could not find any good Mac-based programs but I did find lots of astrology…...
Book Recommendations for Your Sun Sign in 2024
We will all welcome the new energy 2024 brings, especially during the first half of the year. We feel a strong need to establish ourselves, build something solid, and unapologetically embrace comfort and security. We attract the most good fortune by being steady, charitable, and generous. We can pursue our goals in a more leisurely…...
Musings on Tarot: Bababarock Studio
One of the best creators and publishers of modern Tarot decks, IMHO, is BabaBarock Studio and their Magic Realism Press, (previously known as Baba Studio): I got my first deck by this company (then known as Baba Studio) at the local Austin store BookPeople many years ago, and a ‘Tarot of Prague” deck like my…...
Musings on Oracles: Moonology Oracle cards
Recently I was invited to speak at an all-day women’s conference in Johnson City called ‘Soul Reset’. My subject was not ‘The Tarot’ as one might expect, but ‘The Moon’, its placement in our birth charts, and how that placement affects us in our daily lives. In typical Scorpio fashion I used this conference as an excuse to…...
Musings on Tarot: The Forest of Enchantment Tarot
I recently came across an interesting artist from Suffolk, UK, Meraylah Allwood. Allwood is an illustrator and miniaturist, an active member of the Royal Miniature Society, and even exhibits her tiny paintings at their annual exhibition in London. This is someone whose work I easily recognized because they have apparently been illustrating books for Llewellyn…...
Musings on Tarot: The Victorian Romantic Tarot Mini Deck
Recently there was an interesting conversational thread on Facebook. Someone posted that their sister went through all her books and lectured her about buying books she wasn’t reading. Lots of opinions about that nosey sister, I can tell you, but my favorite comment on the whole thread was mine of course. My take on this…...
Musings on Tarot: Under the Roses, the Petit Lenormand
My friend in Italy is an amazing graphic designer as well as a collector of tarot decks, like me. When I met up with her in Bologna we discussed the idea of collaborating on a Tarot deck. When I got home, voila! Like magic, a collection of images waited for me in my dropbox. What…...
The Minchiate Fiorentine Tarot
I recently spent eleven days in Bologna Italy with my husband. He had work, so I willingly tagged along. Who says ‘No’ to eleven days in Italy? Bologna is north of Tuscany, and not usually on a tourist’s radar, but now I think it might be my favorite Italian city. It’s a city famous for its…...
Musings on the Tarot: The Good Tarot
It’s amazing to me that as long as I have been obsessed with the Tarot, I did not own a single deck by Colette Baron-Reid. She actually founded ‘Oracle School’, she’s a bestselling author, internationally acclaimed Oracle expert, spiritual intuitive, personal transformation thought leader, business strategist, artist, and educator. She’s the founder of The Oracle School Experience,…...
Musings on the Voyager Tarot
My daughter and I moved to Austin late in 1985 (seems so long ago). This is relevant, because the next year I was introduced to something I had never seen before – a traveling Tarot Coach. She was actually trained by the creator of Voyager Tarot, James Wanless, and she was working her way through the states. Voyager…...