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William Lilly: An Astrologer’s Life

Birth Data: May 11, 1602 (Gregorian Calendar) 2:00 am, Diseworth, England. Source: his autobiography. This is apparently a time he rectified, as it is unlikely that an exact record was available. In the old Julian calendar, the date was May 2. I have chosen to present the chart with a 2:33 am birth time. Astrologers…...

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The Monastic Thomas Merton

by Lynn Bootes Thomas Merton was a Trappist monk in the Cistercian order of the Catholic Church. A gifted writer and teacher, he entered the monastery as a recent convert in 1941 in the midst of the Second World War. Through his writings he fostered a renewed interest in the contemplative life among American Catholics…...

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AstroBiography of Jackie Robinson: Satyagraha in Brooklyn

Birth Data: January 31, 1919, “after 6:00 pm” – estimate 6:30 pm – near Cairo, Georgia Source: biography, family information, in Astrodatabank, Jack Roosevelt Robinson (Jackie) began his major league baseball career 70 years ago this month, on April 15, 1946, breaking the barriers of segregation against African-American athletes in American sports. The grandson…...

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  Oral Roberts, the Pentecostal Evangelist preacher who is said to have laid healing hands on two million people in the name of God, was a different kind of religious figure than the scholarly Ralph Waldo Emerson featured last year. The son of an impoverished rural preacher, he dedicated himself to ministry when, as a…...

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Malala: Teenaged Advocate For Education

Astrobiography by Lynn Bootes   BIRTH DATA: July 12, 1997 Just before sunrise, local time (rectified to 4:55 am) Mingora, KPK Province, Pakistan, 72 E 21 longitude, 34 N 46 latitude. Source: “I am Malala,” page 13: “I arrived at dawn as the last star winked out. We Pashtuns see this as an auspicious sign.”…...

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Mao the Psychopath

Birth Data: December 26, 1893, 07:00 am, Shaoshan village, Hunan, China. Source: Astrodatabank quotes Ruth Dewey:  “Shaoshan, Honan, China, 113 E.30, 25 N.00, from AFA 12/1952, quoting a biog published by the Communist Party. My rectified time is 6:50 am. Dear Readers, On January 9, 2016 there was a huge shifting in the field…...

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Grandma Moses: A Study In Longevity

Birth Data: Anna Mary Robertson Moses September 7, 1860 Greenwich, New York 3:58 pm local time Source: Astrodatabank source a personal quote from her, “B” data Dear readers, please think of this short piece as a bit like a Christmas card art to enjoy in winter from folk artist Mary Anne Robertson “Grandma” Moses. I…...

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AstroBiography: Tolkien’s English Epic

By: Lynn Bootes J. R. R. Tolkien January 3, 1892 10:15 pm rectified Bloemfontain, Free State, South Africa 29S12 26E07 This is epic season, when the darker nights of the Northern Hemisphere draw us indoors to our hearths, our books and stories, as has happened for half a million years or more. It is no…...

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Bob Marley Catching Fire

By: Lynn Bootes Birth Data: Feb 6, 1945, 2:30 am, Saint Anne’s Bay, Jamaica. “B” data, from biography Biographer Timothy White, “Catch a Fire” (His birth was registered two days later) Biographical Sources: Farley, Christopher John, “Before the Legend: the Rise of Bob Marley,” Harper Collins/Amistad 2006; Wikipedia biography accessed October 22, 2015. Bob Marley,…...

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Alan Turing: More Than Mathematics

ASTROBIOGRAPHY by Lynn Bootes Birth data: June 23, 1929, 2:15 am, London, England. “A” data based on mother’s report. Last month we looked at some practical inventors, the Wright Brothers. This month we will look at Alan Turing, a British mathematician of the twentieth century who applied his mind to the creation of artificial intelligence and…...

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