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Exxon, Chevron, Brinker International

Exxon Mobil (XOM) announced carbon-reduction plans at its investor day meeting in March while OPEC’s surprise move boosted oil prices. Is Exxon stock a good buy? Take a look at Exxon earnings and the XOM stock chart. The oil giant announced plans to lower its carbon emissions, during its investor day on March 3 by…...

The Outer World is a Reflection of our Inner World As the world’s traumas play out, we should be able to see how they are our own individual dramas as well. The outer world is always a reflection of us, mirroring our inner issues. We must view this as a blessing and gift for growth,…...
Summary of the stocks to buy now, plus Air B&B and lumber

As predicted the stock market is on an all time high while transiting Jupiter and Rahu are in aspect the month of February and also it will continue, but with a little more volatility in March. Remember, I think there will be a change in April where we will begin to see a downward cycle…....
What was in Tiger Wood’s chart that caused his accident?

Predicting events in a chart requires knowledge of what the planets rule and seeing what dasha they are in. The dashas are the predictive tool used in Vedic astrology. The Vimshottari dasha system that is based on the placement of the natal Moon. The planet that rules the nakshatra of the natal Moon begins the…...
March 2021 Spiritual Insights

While Mars is transiting in Taurus it will conjoin Rahu by March 26th which will activate latent emotions around the world. It seems things have been very quiet. It seems so much has been occurring underground with the New Moon in Aquarius, (March 13th) conjunct Neptune. Neptune always concerns things that cannot be seen. This…...
Variables Considered in Understanding the Prediction of a Sudden Rise in Fortune: Why the Trine Aspect is Important for Luck

1) The aspect that promotes luck and fortune is the trine, (120 degrees) or 5 and 9 placements (signs/houses) from the planets. 2) In Vedic astrology Jupiter is the planet of luck and fortune and its full aspect is the trine. 3) Houses that promote luck and fortune are the trikonal houses which are 1, 5, and 9…....
February 2021 Affirmation

Separation This is a world of uncertainty with constant fear and threats. What is the solution to this dilemma? The word that appears to me when I ask is unity. What does unity have to do with the predicament humanity is in currently? Being here on the Earth plane is totally unnatural to us, because…...
Bitcoin 2021

In 2017, I did an in-depth class on Bitcoin and cryptocurrency with my son Austin because he got interested in Bitcoin. When I came to understand what the entire cryptocurrency was all about, I realized it was the future. In 2008, I made a prediction I really didn’t understand but I said there was going…...
February 2021 Spiritual Insights

Let me begin with the good news for 2021. The most important and positive event in 2021 is the elimination of the coronavirus. As Rahu and Ketu transit in Taurus and Scorpio, this brings healing. By March of 2022, COVID will be gone. The transit of the nodes in these signs pertains to healing. Rahu…...
University of Vedic Astrology – Beginning Semester 1 – January 27, 2021

Description of how it all works; Self-paced, all online 6 semesters each 8 lessons. 1- 5 semesters have 8 videos: 40 all together. You take a test after each video. You will have your own tutor who grades your test and will answer questions. 6th semester you will work with Joni. There are 7 assignments,…...