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Monthly Predictions and Spiritual Insights for August 2021

August is a small window to take advantage of the freedoms we have. During the months September and October, we will feel we have regressed. Threats of global lock-down are coming again. The world will begin to truly rebel as these regulations threaten our lives. But it is not only the coronavirus that people around…...
July Spiritual Insights

This is the most pivotal month of the year! Everything will change dramatically within the first week. Get ready for an extremely eventful time as there will be many extremes occurring throughout this month. Expect the unexpected. I want to wish everyone a very Happy Independence Day in the U.S. on the 4th of July,…...
AstroFinance: Southwest Airlines, American Airlines, Ford and Chevron

My four stock picks for July: Southwest Airlines, American Airlines, Ford and Chevron. Because the world is getting back to traveling, I thought it would be fitting to look at the airline stocks. As transiting Saturn is in Capricorn it is affecting Southwest Airlines in a difficult way. The T square on July 1 is…...

Harry S. Truman, president of the United States from 1945 to 1953, succeeding upon the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt after serving as vice president. Roosevelt and Truman were elected in November 1944, and Truman took the oath of office on January 20, 1945. He served as vice president just…...
Stock market, Coinbase, Bitcoin, and Ethereum

May 23, Saturn will retrograde in Capricorn at 19 degrees in the 2nd house of the USA’s chart. As Saturn turns retrograde, it will start to conjoin the United States’ natal Ketu in the 2nd house. Ketu represents losses and Saturn can really depress the loss regarding the economy. On May 28, 1962, Jupiter was…...
Spiritual Insights and Monthly Predictions for May 2021

Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. This year, 2021, it will be on May 9. The core issue pertaining to Mother’s Day is love. This issue manifests so much of what we are. I find in astrological readings that the issues of mother and love are so vitally important. It is…...

Stay Connected to the Divine Spirit Don’t get absorbed in the illusion of this material world. It isn’t real and doesn’t exist beyond our consciousness. Many years from now, nothing as we know it will exist, therefore it isn’t real. Focus on what is immortal: the spirit, soul, and consciousness. Scientists have proven that consciousness…...
Spiritual Insights April 2021

The message I keep getting for April is that the people are taking back their power. The powers that control the world are not representing who we are or what we believe. People have to look within and begin to reconnect with their inner guidance. As we approach the spiritual awakening during the month of…...
Pluto, Remembered Through Death

Since the trial for George Floyd is taking place, the section from my book on Pluto seems appropriate. Here is what I see from the power of Pluto concerning the transformational quality of this life-changing planet in the chart of George Floyd. From Pluto: Control, Power, Surrender and Rebirth On May25, 2020, George Floyd, a…...
April Affirmation

The Need to be Heard and the Art of Listening We tend to lose trust and faith when we feel we aren’t heard by others. We must all try to be understanding, and support and validate the feelings of others. Discounting other people’s feelings leads to resentment. Find someone who feels the way you do…....