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Drishtis (Aspects)

Ways the Planets are Associated or Connected Drishti means “to glance at”. The Greek word aspektos means “to gaze” or “to glance”. As the planets rose upon the horizon and gazed on each other across the descendant, they exchanged glances. They aspected each other.  It was considered that planets gave their full aspect when they…...

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Affirmation for the month October

From my book “Answers”. By Joni Patry   Happiness from the Past Someone from the past will appear in your life now. You will reminisce about the joys of your past. They will help you in many ways, by giving you support and love…. This content is for Monthly Subscription , Yearly Subscription , and...

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Spiritual Insights September 2014

The world has become out of control and this means nature will take charge and bring balance back to this world. The inevitable sway of balance is a part of the evolution and cycles of this world. 2014 is a treacherous year of change with the grand cross of Uranus, Pluto, Jupiter and Mars. Additionally…...

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Using the Navamsha Chart with the Birth Chart And the Karakamsha

Reverting planets from the birth chart into the navamsha then taking planets placements from the navamsha and placing them back into the birth chart gives very specific information. This is done when working with the Karakamsha. Karakamsha The karakamsha can play an important role in determining life purpose therefore career. The karakamsha is the navamsha…...

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Time Changes? What to Watch out for!

As an astrologer for over 30 years I remember calculating charts in the 70s. This is something most astrologers have no remembrance of doing. For those who have calculated charts by hand they have an understanding of the astronomical reasons for movement, time, and space. There is something in the process of the calculations that…...

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Tribute to the life of Robin Williams

As astrologers we are fascinated with understanding life and what makes people tick. In this respect we can better understand others and ourselves and the purpose and meaning of life. With astrology we can see into the deeper aspects of an individual’s mind, karma and destiny. Celebrities have the potential to bring great awareness to…...

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Gratitude puts your mind in a place of appreciation, which attracts more prosperity in your life. It is time to give thanks for a life that is full and prosperous with love and happiness. This promotes even more love and prosperity into your life. From my book Awaken to the Power with You What is Gratitude? Gratitude is a…...

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Awakenings and affirmation of the month – September

From Joni’s book Awaken to the Power within You We all need to connect to the spirit in us that isn’t of this world; the part of us that knows our immortality and connection to the Divine. We need to connect to our eternal spirit, to our soul. This keeps us balanced in a world of uncertainty…...

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Excerpt from Joni’s New Book: Secrets of Prediction (Publication date TBA)

Hard aspects between the three outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto define the astrological era and reveal information concerning that time in history. The hard aspects bring difficulties to the forefront producing big events and transformational changes. The hard aspects are the conjunction, square, and opposition. After the conjunction there is a waxing square, then…...

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Sign Predictions – September

This fall we can expect major changes in the world as things are coming to a head with all the events worldwide. This will create a big change in the way people think. The world is due for a big healing. So how does this affect our lives personally? LEO It is time for finishing…...

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