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AstroFinance Update on the stock market

This month the roller coaster is still occurring in the stock market. As Mars enters into Capricorn on May 3 the energy will intensify. There should be one more good rally with the stock market from May through June. But nearing the lunar and solar eclipses in July the volatility may turn south. Even when…...

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Awakenings & Affirmation May 2018

Emotions Our emotions are a powerful tool to gauge our life. If we experience happiness, we are on track, but if there is sadness, depression, anger, or fear, then we need to assess these emotions and replace these feelings with the happiness of the things we want in our life.  Listen to what your feelings…...

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Awakening and Affirmation April 2018

From Awakenings  Opening the Heart is like Falling in Love The material world is maya, or simply an illusion. Opening the heart energy is the way to enlightenment. This is where God resides in us all. Falling in love is just an inkling of the tremendous power held within our hearts. When you fall in…...

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What will Mars retrograde in Capricorn bring in 2018?

What will Mars retrograde in Capricorn bring in 2018? Beginning May 3 to November 7, 2018 Mars will be in Capricorn. Those who have planets in this sign will have a very intense time during these months. Mars will be retrograde June26-August 27. The opposing sign Cancer is affected as well. As transiting Mars enters…...

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Southwest Airlines

When it comes to stocks, my all-time favorite has always been Southwest Airlines. It has made me the most profit throughout the years. This Texas-based airline began with the triangle run from Houston, Dallas and San Antonio. From there they now have more take off and landings than any airline in the world. Now, they…...

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Spiritual Insights April 2018

This is an amazing year for breakthroughs in consciousness. Many issues that temper our society with darkness are surfacing to change the future. Issues concerning sexuality and abuse have been the focus of the news. The abuse of women and children globally is surfacing for a healing. Even the problems in Hollywood concerning control and…...

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Remembering Bill

As I began my studies with Vedic astrology I remember Bill as such a jovial personality, always with a smile on his face. It was so refreshing after serious classes on karma to see him wearing a cap with a spinning fan on top. One of my prized possessions I won at a raffle at…...

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Awakenings & Affirmation

Victims and Martyrs Emotional Manipulation Never play the victim or martyr, for this never gives fulfillment or happiness. Don’t act out of fear for this means you feel inadequate and are motivated by a sense of lack. To play the victim or martyr is a means of emotional manipulation. It is a way to manipulate…...

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Zcash is the latest kid on the block of cryptocurrencies – a wave ushered by bitcoin back in 2008. Over the years, many alternative cryptocurrencies called altcoins have been launched. Following the success of bitcoin, these have grown to over 700 in number. Most of these versions have tried to come up with some competitive advantages vis-à-vis bitcoin, and while few have seen…...

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Spiritual Insights March 2018

As Mercury retrogrades in the last and final sign Pisces it gives us the opportunity to review and analyze the past based on our feelings. When Mercury retrogrades it is usually in the same element throughout the year. Pisces is a water sign which is relative to moksha, which means spiritual liberation from this world…....

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