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AstroFinance: Stocks, Interest Rates, Gold and Crypto

GENERAL ECONOMIC INSIGHTS: We have our second eclipse coming on Friday, May 5th at 21 Libra in the constellation of Vishaka and it is not visible in the US or London but is visible in India. We have already seen the fall of major media people after the April 20th Solar Eclipse with the firing…...

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AstroFinance: Stocks, Gold, Tech and Crypto

GENERAL ECONOMIC INSIGHTS: The banking crisis is on everyone’s minds, and while we have been reassured that all is fine, we all know better. We are moving toward the Jupiter/Rahu conjunction, which is a signature for bankruptcy, and it happens in the True Node system on June 2nd, and a bit earlier in the Mean…...

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March AstroFinance: Stocks, Gold, Tech and Crypto

GENERAL ECONOMIC INSIGHTS: We have plenty of tensions rising as we move into April. Mars will be conjunct natal Mars in the US chart on March 13-14th increasing war tensions as the US is absurdly thinking that they can win in a long-term nuclear war against Russia, and Russia and China keeps moving closer to…...

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February AstroFinance – Stock Market, Gold, Tech and Cryptos

GENERAL ECONOMIC INSIGHTS: The fight over raising the debt ceiling is in the news. It should not be a partisan issue. How many of you can take out 30 credit cards, run them up their limits and then pay them off as interest rates go higher every month? Every household has to live within its…...

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January AstroFinance: Stocks, Gold, Crypto and Tech

GENERAL ECONOMIC INSIGHTS: The recession is coming next year as Jupiter moves into Aries and will be aspected exactly 60 degrees into June 19, 2023. The US chart is Sagittarius rising and this will continue to hurt perceptions of the US, and already the world is dumping our bonds and the Chinese are trying to…...

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AstroFinance: Stocks, Gold, Crypto and Tech

GENERAL ECONOMIC INSIGHTS: At publication, Jerome Powell, Fed Chairman, is hinting that we will only get another 50 bps rate hike at the December meeting, and the stock market bolted on the good news even though jobs data is finally showing that we are moving into a recession. Wall Street seems to be a gambler’s…...

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Stock Market, Gold, Cryptos and Tech

GENERAL ECONOMIC INSIGHTS: Larger cycles for the first few weeks of November suggest crisis energy. That would seem more likely in the world bond markets and the crazy new world of currencies but the other markets will get dragged in. This is partially there with a total Lunar Eclipse over the U.S. on Election day,…...

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Astro-Finance: Stock Market, Gold, Crypto and Tech

Seasonally, players come into early October and buy stocks as the adage goes buy in Oct and sell in May. I suspect that the Sun in Virgo,  which is connected to Mercury and shares of stocks, is supportive of this seasonal buy. This year it may work for 2-3 weeks because of deeply oversold conditions…...

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Points of Wealth: Luck of the Yogi and the Yogi Point

The yogi point can give a secret point of prosperity and luck in your chart and is connected to the daily relationship between the Sun and the Moon. It is connected to the daily panchanga. Every day as the Sun and Moon move away from each other they create a Nitha Yoga. Think of scissors…...

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Astro-Finance: Economic Insights for September

After Labor Day, as we start moving into fall, we all start to think of saving and investing for the winter. It’s a bit like the squirrels starting to gather their nuts to make it through the winter. In Europe, they are already lining up for days in Poland to buy coal for the winter…...

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