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Saturn/Rahu: Practical Tips for Moving through Fear and Paranoia and the Impact on the World

  It’s Saturday, ruled by Saturn and I woke up  feeling more fearful than normal which is very unusual for me and it got me thinking about the approaching  slow moving aspect of Saturn in Scorpio approaching Rahu in Leo around  the 16-17 degree area.  If you have planets around 15-18 degrees Leo or your…...

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Moving Through Unconscious Fear and Anger and Paranoia: The Malefic Summer and Fall Transits

There is a complex web of malefic influences hitting the planet and our personal life over the next two months and we need to understand them. The Saturn/Mars conjunction started it off on August 24th and their connection is not over until Sept. 18th.   We also have Mars squaring Ketu into August 30th and Saturn…...

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Astro-Financial Overview For August: The Planetary Energy of Nationalism, Racism and Globalism

The most interesting conflict over the past year has been the rise of nationalism and racism vs. globalization and a humanitarian push toward saving immigrants. Rahu the planet of immigrants has been getting boosted by Jupiter in Leo but that support leaves on August 11th when Jupiter goes into Virgo. Ketu is going to transit…...

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Beyond Spiritual and Astrological Bypassing

By Barry Rosen Today on June 26, 2016, is the exact trine of Jupiter and Rahu onto Pluto and it has stirred up a deep spiritual inquiry into the value of astrology and its misuse at times.   How many of you use astrology and our intellectual constructs to bypass the hard work that it takes…...

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Astro-Financial Overview for June: Uranus into Aries: The Play of Surprise

By Barry Rosen For Mundane astrology, the outer planets are very significant and in thirty years of charting them, they cannot be ignored by Vedic astrologers. Uranus, the planet of surprises is now in the karmic knotted area called the Gandata between 27 Pisces and 3 Aries. It moves into the fire sign of Aries…...

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by Barry Rosen We usually think of wealth as material comfort but Vedic texts remind us that it is much more. Wealth should include health, success, courage, friendliness, skills and talents, dignity and memory of one’s Divine nature. In Part 1 this article, Barry will examine these qualities of Lakshmi and relate them to Vedic…...

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The Mystery of Interest Rates and the Stars

by Barry William Rosen T-Bonds have evolved into one of the most heavily traded and popular, markets and have become particularly popular for day trading. Yet, often their mysterious gyrations appear to be baffling. Bullish reports are sold-off; bearish reports are aggressively bought. If one understands the hidden movements of the stars as suggested by…...

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2016: The Year of Dhurmuka: Vedic Annual Chart

Part 1 by Barry Rosen Run for Washington, DC for the Vedic New Year New Moon Whereas western culture delights in January New Year predictions, the Vedic New Year calendar is often run for the new Moon in March after the spring solstice for the capital city of a country. This year it falls April…...

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Astro-Financial Overview For Financial: January

By Barry Rosen January is filled with many mixed events.   We have the optimistic wonder of Jupiter trining the Sun into Jan 13th exactly with the exchange of houses between Leo and Sagittarius that we have not seen since 2003-4 which is a powerful yoga with an aspect In the past gold has like that…...

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Astro-Financial Overview For November

Cycles in November look messy with violence likely to increase with Mars approaching exact conjunction with Rahu on Nov. 12th and benefic but debilitated Venus trying too soothe things out—but low on power. Still given the Syrian power keg, one has to be concerned that something could become serious there as the planet of war…...

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