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The Psychology of the Astrological Houses and Human Development

The movement through life is intimately connected to the journey through the zodiacal signs, the houses. The first house is our birth, the 2nd moving into our family circle and the 3rd moving out of the house into our neighborhood.  The 4th house is connected to emotional development and moving out of the house and…...

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Secrets of Navamsha/D9 – Microscopic Soul Information

There is so much to do with the Navamsha chart. Here is a summary of some of things we can use it for: 1)     It often represent our chart after we are married or after around the age of 36 when our soul had matured. Later in life this chart may be more revealing than…...

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Secrets of Retrograde Planets

SECRETS OF RETROGRADE PLANETS We are down to 5 retrogrades now with Mercury direct and then down to 4 with Mars direct on August 26th and then Saturn goes direct on Sept. 6th and we will be down to the outer planet only. I frequently get questions about retrograde planets and they are often misunderstood…...

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Points of Wealth Part 4: Yamaganthaka – The Grace of Jupiter

POINTS OF WEALTH PART 4: YAMAGANTHAKA—the Grace of Jupiter While not talked about very much, there are planetary upagraphas or mathematical shadows of planets that are kind of like gravitational points that exist because of the results that manifest from them. In the same way that Pluto was discovered first mathematically,  and then found in…...

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The Unbearable Lightness of Being in an Anxious World – Getting Through the Summer

EYE ON BEING: THE UNBEARABLE LIGHTNESS OF BEING IN AN ANXIOUS WORLD I have personally been going through a lot of physical and emotional challenges and when I talk to my friends, I am hearing great distress also. We have discussed the challenge of retrograde Saturn in the early part of Sagittarius with some of…...

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Secrets of the 11th House Part 2: Income From Work

SECRETS OF THE 11TH HOUSE: PART 2–INCOME FROM WORK. The 11th house is 2nd from the 10th so it represents gains from work. The sign owning the 11th house and planets associated with the 11th house (aspect, yoga, exchange of houses or planets in the house) will have an impact on your income tendencies and…...

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Discovering Our Unconscious Patterns And Blind Spots Part 1

The deepest purpose of Vedic Astrology should allow us to see the maya or illusion that runs through our mind and blocks us from seeing our own Divinity.  Astrology should reveal our hidden patterns and not just affirm what we know about our self already.  It is our hidden patterns and blind spots which get…...

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Eye on Astrology: Life is like Groundhog Day – Getting it Right

Yesterday,  at my talk at the United Astrology Conference in Chicago, I was reminded of one of my all time favorite movies, Bill Murray in Groundhog Day (1993).  If you are not familiar with the movie, Bill Murray plays a weather man who goes to Pennsylvania every Feb. to see if the groundhog will see…...

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Secrets of the 11th House: Expressing Your Talent For Benefit of Society

SECRETS OF THE 11TH HOUSE PART 1: EXPRESSING OUR TALENTS IN THE WORLD The 11th house is the most treasured of houses because it is said that all planets do well here and fulfill our desires.   It is connected to gains from work (2nd from the 10th).  Still it is a much more complicated house…...

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Hidden Psychological Blocks Part 1 – The Strange Case of Badhaka

Badhaka is a block or obstruction and represents planets that block your personal growth.  It is like Rahu with a shadow influence that runs your life  but it hard to understand or unblock because it is invisible.  They can be good planets but they have hidden shadow influences that are difficult to understand and may…...

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