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Welcome to the May issue of AstroLogic Magazine!
This month we span the globe and venture out into the universe with articles from some of Vedic astrology’s most gifted forecasters. Joni Patry brings you her Spiritual Insights, Aspects and Predictions along with an in-depth look into the chart of French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron for Who’s in the News. She answers questions about…...
Discovering Your True Potential
Are you failing to reach your full potential? Feel that you are not advancing in your life or your career? Are you trapped in a go-nowhere job? We can help you identify and develop your hidden talents and get you back on track! Check out Phillip’s story: In the Vedas, palmistry and astrology are twin…...
Joni Patry Sun Sign Predictions 2017. On Sale Now… This content is for Monthly Subscription , Yearly Subscription , and 6 month Subscription members only.Log In Register...
Lois Rodden: Vedic Astrology Looks at a Western Astrologer
“In the past, astrological data has been presented for the most part without any designation of source. Recorded birth time, hearsay evidence, speculative or rectified birth times, and casual guesswork are mixed together in a standard presentation. As a result, we have a morass of astrological literature one must wade through with discrimination, if not…...
June 2016
Replace Negative Thoughts with Positive Thoughts In this world of duality, there is a fluctuation of two extremes. To name a few, there is night and day, sun and moon, black and white, male and female. It takes our constant awareness to choose balance and happiness instead of chaos and suffering. The mass consciousness has…...
Basics of Numerology
By Mary Lee Freeman Many people have heard of ancient numerology but not many know exactly how the system works. I have been studying and teaching numerology for a few years and continue to be surprised with its accuracy. While the depth of numerology studies can be quite vast, the basics such as ones’ name…...
Welcome to the April issue of AstroLogic Magazine!
Just as Joni Patry predicted in the video we shared with you in December, the world is struggling under the weight of intense conflict. From the ISIS attack in Belgium on the eve of the solar eclipse to the bombing in an Istanbul market, Joni has predicted specific dates and places. The video is on…...
We live in a dimension where there are various time lags between our intention and the delivery date. We live in a world of various frequencies. Jyotisha (vedic astrology) means, “the science of light”. It is the measurement of frequencies that are attached to form. Form can be in the physical, or formless as in…...
2016 – Jupiter with Rahu in Leo – Increased Pitta/Heat for the Planet and You
FIRE Fire is one of the fundamental elements under which our existence is ordered. Of the elements, earth, air, water, and either, fire is the most volatile and maybe the most dangerous. Without fire, there is no light or heat, but with too much fire, there is no life. This element, is essential, and dangerous…....
2016 Universal Year Analysis
by Mary Lee Freeman According to numerology the year 2016 is a nine (9) universal year. Like all years, this year carries with it a unique vibrational energy. The energy is that of fulfillment, completion, compassion, and the brotherhood of man. Carrying with it too are the negative characteristics of selfishness, irresponsibility to the universe,…...