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Villa Romana del Casale, Sicily by Melanie Pokluda

Full moon was entering Pisces as we walked toward the Villa Romana del Casale in interior Sicily. A time to focus on spiritual and emotional wellness. Encountering contemporary sculptor Igor Mitoraj’s Couple For Eternity was the first of many indications that this is a special place, where people lived and loved for centuries. The plaque…...
Tarot History: Petrarch and I Trionfi

Francesco Petrarca, (1304-1374, Arezzo, Italy), commonly anglicized as Petrarch, was a scholar and poet of early Renaissance Italy, and one of the earliest humanists. Petrarch’s rediscovery of Cicero’s letters is often credited with initiating the 14th-century Italian Renaissance and the founding of Renaissance humanism. (source Wikipedia) “The season when my sighing is renewed Had come,…...
Appreciating Life’s True Treasures: Learning to Love

Is poor communication pushing you to the brink of divorce? Is fear of the future or financial worries inhibiting your ability to love? Having trouble remembering what attracted you to your spouse in the first place? We can help you. Check out Aidan’s story: “That’s it! I’m done with her, I want a divorce,” Aidan…...
Freedom of Expression: The Power of The Mercury Line

The ability to freely express ourselves is a defining aspect of human happiness. Do you want to feel the satisfaction that comes with expressing ourselves freely? Vedic Palmistry can help you—check out Blake’s story. Blake was a great car salesman. Everyone agreed, he was the Wayne Gretzky of automobile sales. Even when he was in…...
The Christmas Miracle: Love Triumphs over Guilt

Is guilt or grief preventing you from living a full and happy life? Palmistry can help. Check out Judith’s story: A few years ago my long-time client Judith lost her 36-year-old daughter to cancer. As with many parents who outlive their children, Judith was racked with guilt over her daughter’s death. “I must have failed…...
Elizabeth: Finding the Magic, One Line at a Time

Is your past limiting your future? Are you trapped in repeated, destructive patterns of behavior? Vedic Palmistry can set you free—check out Elizabeth’s story. Ever since she was in high school, Elizabeth didn’t feel good about herself unless she was in a romantic relationship. Raised in a stable, well-to-do family, she left home as a…...
The Quest for Harmony: The Quadrangle

The quadrangle is the area formed by the lines of heart and head and is referred to as the landing strip of the angels. When the lines of heart and head are equally long and round, there is harmony between the way we feel and think. We are neither overly emotional, which can cloud our…...
Myth Buster: A Short Life Line

Myth: A short life line means a short life. Fact: Not necessarily… People often associate the life line with how long they are going to live. The truth is, the life line has more to do with the quality of our life than with the number of years we live. It reflects our motivation to…...

There is so much to do with the Navamsha chart. Here is a summary of some of things we can use it for: It often represents our chart after we are married or after around the age of 36 when our soul has matured. Later in life, this chart may be more revealing than what…...
The Downside of Fidgeting: A Restless Body Equals a Restless Mind

It’s difficult not to notice a fidgeter—those of us who just can’t seem to sit still, who seem compelled to be constantly rapping their fingers on a desktop, tapping their toes under the dinner table, swinging their arms for no apparent reason, shaking their legs, twiddling their thumbs, cracking their knuckles, or a dozen other…...