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Enzymes, The Building Block of the Body

This month I thought I would talk about a critical part of our diets that we as a majority are missing . Enzymes, specifically enzymes found in raw vine ripened fruits and vegetables…ok, so meat too, but not many of us eat meat raw enough to get enzymes from, although sushi is a great way…...
Blending Essential Oils For Mood Enhancement

Essential oils are incredible mood balancers. From achieving joyful exuberance to peaceful contemplation, they contain valuable energies for adjusting mood coping skills. So let’s talk about the different times we might use them through the day. We will start with meditation. When using essential oils to help you get to a meditative state, you must…...
Don’t Get Mad…Get Essential Oils!

You’ve heard of the lunar effect right? It’s that mysterious phenomena of the full moon which seems to make people go straight into bat poop crazy mode. And I don’t mean the benign, bead earning revelry that occurs on the streets of the French Quarter during Mardi Gras. I’m talking about the ugly, violent and…...