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March: You are Your Own Amazing Miracle

Steps and Squats…and a Bubble I am going to start our session working on steps, then squats, and finally I am going to finish it with soap bubbles…I know, I know, but I promise you the bubbles are freaking awesome! So lets start with Steps…How many of you have had to start grabbing a handrail…...
March: You are Your Own Amazing Miracle
nu·tri·tion | \ nu̇-ˈtri-shən , nyu̇- \ Definition of nutrition 1: the act or process of nourishing or being nourishedspecifically : the sum of the processes by which an animal or plant takes in and utilizes food substancesfoods that are necessary for human nutrition My Preferred Definition of Nutrition Nutrition:(n), the dry, rather soulless & mechanical act of delivering nutrients to individual cells and tissues, in…...
February: Upper Body and Balance

How many of you put what you learned about your legs into practice this month? Did you notice a difference? And if so, What kind of difference? Today we are going to begin working on the upper body and balance First, let’s begin with our hands and wrists. How many of you have had wrist…...
December: Do We Choose to Be Students or do We Choose Pride?

Last month we talked about being frozen. This month we are going to talk about being hard. While the two have similar descriptions, and create similar issues, they are just different enough to call attention to those similarities and differences. Frozen is hard, and just as immovable. But think of the way each is used…....
November: Letting Go

Letting go…one of the hardest things to do in this world, and one of the biggest culprits to our health and happiness. An inability to let go stems from fear of the future without [put your reason here]. We have all heard the term, frozen with fear. What happens when something becomes frozen? It stops…...
October: The Month of KNOWING

Matthew 17:20…if ye have faith as a mustard seed, you can move mountains… This passage is the base of my holistic health coaching. It is a simple statement easy to remember, and holds so much information that one can expand to reach every area of the spectrum. As we go into the next months of…...
September: Looking ahead to the Future

As I prepared to sit and write a couple of weeks ago for this article, I noticed a recurring theme. Things just stopped. I figured I should probably pay attention to what I was being shown. People stopped moving forward. Life halted as problems had to be solved. Those problems did not get solved until…...
August: The Month To Watch Reality Shift

We hear it all the time, “If there is one thing that remains constant, it is that life always changes”. We are living through some drastic changes in the world right now and it can be difficult to figure out which way is up or down, wrong or right. Grab your Frankincense and hang on!…...
Independent Thought

Just WOW! I honestly have had so much trouble writing this months article. When Joni said the truth would be revealed, I knew it would be big, but what happens when the truth is so big that no one will believe it? There are so many different truths for the same subject right now that…...
The Month To Watch Reality Shift

What a month we are going to have! When we think about our health, we tend to focus on how we feel, which is directly relational to how our energy is flowing. And this month is all about energy. So lets look at a few factors in play this month. We have our two planets…...