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May Flowers

Essential Oils can play a powerful role in emotional healing. They lead us by the hand as we courageously face our emotional issues. We all hold unresolved feeling of pain and hurt that long to be brought to the surface for transformation and healing, and essential oils can assist us during each stage of the…...
April: Can we Worm our Way Out of It…

Whew! I simply cannot wait for the April 30th Eclipse and “New Beginnings”. The last few months have been real doozies at my house. I wont go into detail, but suffice to say that truths came out that have been hidden for a while. Talk about a “Grand Finale”! I sure do hope yours was…...
December: Love Is…

As I sit here on this Thanksgiving night, waiting until the last moment to sit down and write, looking back over the last month and wondering where it went, I am reminded of a saying I recently picked up and put next to my coffee maker. “Today is like coffee. It will be as good…...
November: The Wounded Healer

Another month of giving Thanks has come upon us and as we venture into the quiet months of the gardens, I am reminded to bring my focus back to the evergreens. This is the time of year when fresh fruits and veggies become less common on the table and we bring out the pots…...
October: The Truth Shall Set Us Free

This month I am going to be completely and totally honest with you. Some of you will be so angry that you stop reading after the first paragraph. Some of you will say to yourselves that I am just uneducated and don’t know any better. And some of you will finish the article with…...
September: WE are the Miracle!

Can you imagine a world without miracles? Me either! There are so many different kinds of miracles; birth, healing, transformation, change of plans, the list goes on. The important part is not that we believe in miracles, but knowing that we can create miracles in our own lives. When we alter our mindset, we create…...
August: Intuitive Knowing and our Personal Reality

Wow! What a month! Talk about a reality check! Let me explain just a bit about this last month. I got to watch the most convincing flat earth theory to date! There was what appeared to be very thorough data proving the facts they wished us to see. But like everything else these days, one…...
July: Guilty as Charged

I had a great conversation with someone on the subject of guilt and thought I would share some thoughts. To me, guilt is a tool we use to punish ourselves for our inability to be enough. In this person’s case, they felt that they should take more time to study and communicate with our creator…....
Magnetism and Frequency

Magnetism and frequency. We use them every moment of the day whether we are aware of it or not. “That which you fear, finds you”, “Do unto others what you would have them do unto you”, “opposites attract” …you get the idea. We each of us has a magnetic field surrounding us. Shaped like a…...
MAY: Perfection Within Us

I am going to revisit the story of the mustard seed this month. It carries important instructions on looking within ourselves for the answers we seek. I have studied this passage deeply the last few years, and it holds answers to many of life’s riddles. Let’s say it was a calling… Matthew 17:20 And Jesus…...