Every January for the last fifteen years or so, I’ve written book recommendations for each sign of the Zodiac. I base these recommendations on planetary…...
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Justin Trudeau, the former leader of the Liberal Party, was first elected Prime Minister of Canada in November 2015. He became the second-youngest prime minister…...
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The following is for those interested in the human+AI interactions via ChatGPT, which, in my case, began with my fascination for using ChatGPT for Tarot…...
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Vastu Shastra, the sacred science from India that creates harmonious, stress-free living and working environments, supports your success in all areas of life. Vastu even…...
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Michelangelo once said in reference to his masterpiece, David, “The sculpture is already complete within the marble block before I start my work. It…...
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AUTHOR’S NOTE: I’ve tried numerous methods of reckoning the likely date (or at least the date-range) for the occurrence of future events using the tarot,…...
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