Month: December 2022


Ben Affleck – Matt Damon Synastry

The bromance that spawned a “socialist” Hollywood venture “My own kind of sanity and mental health really benefitted from having someone who I grew up…...

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Energy Healing

Cheers to You and Energy Clearing

Greetings and salutations AstroLogic Readers! My name is Elesia Chéree and I am an energy healer. I use clairsentience to feel, shift, and release energy…....

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In This Issue

December In This Issue

Welcome to the December issue of AstroLogic Magazine! As I think about all the fabulous turning points our magazine has seen this year, none stands…...

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The Power of Pisces

The world has been blessed in 2022 with the presence of the Great Benefic planet Jupiter spending most of the year (and part of next…...

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Monthly Sign Predictions

Dear Readers, Early December Summary The last half of November has brought lots of surprises and upsets in elections and sports matches. Not to mention…...

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The Numbering of Strength and Justice in Tarot

The original 15th and 16th century Italian Tarocchi decks featured a variety of numberings. In most cases the 3 virtues (Strength, Justice and Temperance) were…...

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Sound Healing

Time as Ambiguity

In Search Of Silence Part 4: Conclusion Time as Ambiguity As we approach the conclusion to this four-part series, the final and most important aspect…...

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Domestic Utility Crisis in New England: A Horary Perspective

With the threat of a price-and-availibilty crunch looming in the domestic utility market in New England during the Winter of 2022/23, I performed a horary…...

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December Astrology Forecast: Completion

December Intention:  I enjoy living my Highest path of personal integrity and wisdom, in my own experiment of a life by divine design. 9-Month in…...

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